Tuesday, August 10, 2010

so I'm staying up all night again...

I am going to continue with a little more research into my sleep deprivation. I have a lot of things to do overnight and don't have time for sleep. If I were to go to sleep, I would have to wake up at the butt crack of dawn after being up late on Mtn. Dews and help a friend with some physical labor. I'd never get to sleep anyway. Therefore, another reason to just stay up all night again. I'm counting on about, um idk, 6 hrs of some good REM sleep over the past...  hrs? (I can't do the math. Someone help me... since 11am on Friday and now it's 4am on Tuesday)  Seems that my arithmetic is the first function to go.
So anyway, I took part in my first podcast yesterday. I think it went well. I'm helping with the sports section alongside EJ, the resident comedian. I was happy to announce that the Dallas Cowboys won the first game of preseason activities and that the much awaited football season is now underway. I'm really looking forward to working with EJ and the rest of the SkyHighRadio cast to make a legit public news/BS radio broadcast! To keep up with everyone, I must use this overnight time wisely to do research on top news stories and popular debatable topics.
Also, I was finally out-bid on the Ebay item I was interested in the other night. I may just have to ditch out a few bucks more than the $10 coupon I have received from Ebay to purchase this Line6 Pod Studio GX USB Audio Interface. I need this little piece of technology to get down some bass lines to my pc. As it is, I'm coming up with kool riffs that I can never remember the next day! I haven't mastered singing and playing an instrument at the same time, so I need to get them down to practice with some of the lyrics I've put together over the past couple weeks. I'd have to admit that the lyrics are a bit dull alone, but I believe that with the right tunes, they will become alive. Hopefully, within a month, I can have some samples to post up on the web for all ears to hear.
I must now sign out to do some much needed bass guitar practicing so that I can stick to my goal of having some semblance of a song put together 'within a month'. (mental note: by Sept. 10)  So, goodnight or good morning to whom it may concern. And hope to keep this blogging for the days and months to come!

1 comment:

  1. So this is interesting....we need to have a brother/sister talk because I have no clue what is going on with you.
